Monday 28 March 2016



I’m pretty sure a great number of people enjoy coke (coca-cola soft drink). Well, some time ago, coca-cola changed the shape of their bottle to something I find really attractive and I’m wondering…What if as a coke fan, you decide to have a coke to quench your thirst only to find that inside of that attractive bottle is a liquid coke-coloured dye, a far cry from the real thing, would you still go for it the next time you thirst for coke? Well maybe, but with a lot of caution. However, I’m sure you would prefer to drink the real coke poured out in a clean cup and forget about the one in the attractive bottle. The container and label are good but what quenches thirst is the content and thus is far more important.

Friday 11 March 2016

Look what just passed you by

I’m so bored!                                     
Really? How so? 

It amazes me that of all there is to be done on the planet, some people are still bored!  I’m sick and tired of hearing that. Well I’m not about to crucify you, because that used to be me. Yeah, it happens to be a thing with most teenagers. As a teenager, I was so lazy, I’d rather be idle than do anything and when asked how my day was going, I’d say 'I’m so bored'. Ha! How ironic. 

Sunday 6 March 2016

Defining love *Part 3

If love was just about feelings, the most emotional persons would have the best of it.
 If it was about fame, the Hollywood and Nollywood celebrities would have the best part.
If it was about money, the Dangotes and Gates would buy it all up
If it was about words, orators would have all the love in the world,
If it was about beauty, the most beautiful girls would have the most loving husbands, and family members.
But no,