Really? How so?
It amazes me that of all there is to be done on the planet, some people are still bored! I’m sick and tired of hearing that. Well I’m not about to crucify you, because that used to be me. Yeah, it happens to be a thing with most teenagers. As a teenager, I was so lazy, I’d rather be idle than do anything and when asked how my day was going, I’d say 'I’m so bored'. Ha! How ironic.
Well the good part is there are actually some really hard working teens and youths out there but the problem is they too easily run out of a to do list.
My aim of writing you this letter, is to help you see ways to increase your productivity by improving/enriching your to do list with 'worthwhile' items. And why exactly would you want to increase your to do list profitably? Because every minute is a bargain on destiny. How you utilize your time (per second) determines whether you make profit or loss in the long run.
# Time is the only currency that everyone has equal amount of. It is the most valuable currency so you better be careful how you spend it. why?
# Time lost can never be regained unlike money (cash). Every second counts. You can’t afford to gamble with what you’ve got.
# What you do with your time now, goes a long way to determine exactly what you’ll be doing in the future.
Now when I ask, “what do you want to be in future?” I’ll hear something like…In the future; I want to be one of the best surgeons in the world.
Oh really? Well look what just passed you by- Time!
Time is life divided into fractions of seconds, minutes, days, years … I'm sure you know the implication of that by now.
Well, it is very important that you make use of the stones time has made available to build a suitable bridge from the present to help you get into the future that you dream of.
Everyone has a dream. When you take an imaginary trip into the future, what do you see? A great life, I bet. So guys, you have to make the journey into adulthood.
Now understand that the fruitfulness of your journey will determine if that wonderful future will ever be. Again, what you do with your time now, tells me what you will be doing tomorrow. So, it’s time to get rid of the 'i'm bored Cliché and get serious with building that bridge with quality blocks of time that will take you THERE!
Here are a few questions you need to ask yourself:
*What is my dream? (where you see yourself in future)
*How much do I know about my dream? (how many books have you read, how many documentaries or movies have you seen in that line)
*Do I have a company (friends and acquaintances that are like minded/how often do you create time to exchange ideas).
*What impact can you make where you are and how? (there is always something worthwhile to do which creates a platform for better opportunities. Get your mind to work).
A building is raised in stages. From the foundation up to the roofing, the right materials must be used if you must get a good quality building. My point, you are at a very crucial stage in your life and can’t afford to be careless, omitting strategic building blocks so here are a few points that should help you.
>Do not play with your time or waste any second, for everyone brings you closer to the future, ready or not
>Spend every minute preparing for it; from the friends you keep to the TV programs you watch, books you read, etc.
>If it’s not important to your dream, drop it. Bad habits, low grades, too much sleep and play, pointless gist, etc.
>Keep moving, keep trying and when you fail, try again. Never give up!
Believe in yourself and be consistent in all that your future represents
Just in case you are thinking “why so much talk about the future when it’s still so far away?” you need to know that the difference between now and the future is a second. Yes, just that one tick of the clock brings you nearer to that picture. Ready or not, dream or no dream, you are on your way to the future so isn’t it better to be prepared?
When you build solid blocks of time on the foundation of faith in Christ, you will surely arrive.
No one can stop you but you! The key to the future you dream about is preparation. Remember, every minute counts.
Eccl. 3:1
By Fidelia Ben-Udi
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