Saturday 18 February 2017

Go come

So its another Sunday tomorrow and we'll most likely go to church again and sit down to hear the preacher and swallow everything hook, line and sinker without even thinking and i wonder if we dropped our brains with the ushers at the door. 

No wonder Carl Max said "Religion is the opium of the people". Hey, listen, if religion is what you are going to do in Church tomorrow, then just stay home and sleep. You know why? Because religion is useless, powerless and godless... Anyway lets not go there. But understand that True fellowship, service has nothing to do with religion.
We need power, and religion won't give us that. True fellowship/worship will.

Well i yet have a lot to say, but I'll conclude by saying: if you must go to Church tomorrow, go with your brains close to your heart. That was what made the Berean Christians different; they went to Church with their brains. 
This also goes out to all you who went to worship on Friday and today and any other day you've chosen; listen to your Spiritual head and think through his sermon, and match it up with Scriptures. Ask why? That way, you'd be sure not stupid. 

Prepare for a huge 'Paradigm Shift'!

 Lots of love from Fidel

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