Thursday, 24 November 2016

The Good Rebellion part 2

Mindless Bureaucracy must go!

File A signed by Boss 1
Sent to boss 2

Boss 3 corrects and gives to secretary
Secretary effects correction and returns to boss 2
Boss two sends to boss 1 
And that may just be the beginning!

Organized and built to function well 
Seamless and a brilliant idea
Except of course for the corruption that now hides underneath its seams
A huge time waster it has become
Feet dragging causing all to move at snail speed
What is this bundle of organized wreck?
That hinders progress 
And makes one sweat beneath an air conditioner  
How come so much work is put in with minimum output
How did we get stuck in this time killing, energy sapping and development crippling system?

Get me right, 
It was meant to be good and it was good
Made the system work effectively 
But it isn’t anymore
At least not in its original state
Why can’t we just upgrade already?
It’s the technological age 
Why crawl when we can fly 
Why adhere religiously to rules and regulations that have outlived their essence? 
Why do the right thing at snail speed allowing room for it to be contaminated
At this rate, my grand kids may grow grey expecting progress

Change begins with me, I knoooow!
But remember that for change to be effective, leaders both in the public and private sectors must engineer it at their various levels
Levels that I may not be able to affect yet
It’s a combined efforts you know
So if I’m asked, i'd say, let’s do away with that which no longer works
And make effective that which produces quality results
Transform the hard dusty files into soft intangible one
To hell with these boring unproductive procedures that leave one retardarded 
Why do the same thing over and over again expecting different results each time
Agreed this is just a part of our challenges
But believe me, it’s a huge part. 
Give one senseless man too much power and he holds the whole system to ransom 
It cannot be as it was in the beginning any more
If what worked in the beginning doesn’t work anymore,
We must be brave enough to move on
For we can’t put new wine in old wine skins

A new age demands new methodologies

Written by Fidelia Ben-Udi

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