Friday, 13 January 2017

Work not Job

The good rebellion 
Part 3

 Work not Job

“So what are doing now?”
Have you ever been at the point where you dread to meet with friends and siblings to your parents just because of how much you dread that question? Ha! Well I have and it was one annoying point in my life.  Agreed that it may be some form of societal responsibility check, it really doesn’t feel that way.  It feels more like an assessment of your current status for future friend and family gossips.

So I tried to find out; why is this question usually dreadful? And I found out that it is basically because we don’t have a conventional answer for them like; oh, I now work in a bank or with the government or in an oil company etc.  But what if you are busy developing a business idea, carving a career path or still pondering? That instantly makes you begin to feel jittery and less of yourself right? 
Well I may not be able to tell you how to handle this, but I’m sure you can start by working with what I’m about to tell you…

Everybody may not have a job, but everybody has a work. According to Steve Jobs, a job is the duty you perform for a company based on the position you occupy but your work is the duty you perform for yourself based on the joy you derive from it. Everybody has a passion which according to Tito Philips Jnr., is the love for creation- a strong desire you have to do something you deeply care about.  Now, the unconventionality of your passion is nobody’s business. What’s important is that you have a burning passion which you are currently engaging.

I have friends and siblings who are graduates and are engaged in things they are passionate about (their work). However, many of them seem to think in line with conventionality: when they are asked “so what are you doing now” they go ...“oh, I’m just doing this little thing till I get a job” or worst still, some say “nothing for now” meanwhile, they just did a tutorial for someone, just delivered a birthday cake, just gave professional advice, yet they say they are doing nothing?  They definitely are doing something; they just don’t think it qualifies to fill in the gap, or how to phrase it up to look conventional and professional, so they feel embarrassed. If you fall into the category of those who are actively involved in their passion, then thumbs up for you because you are the kind of person Nigeria needs now. We may not know it yet, but if you are consistent in growing your brand/competence, we would find you out soon enough by reason of necessity. 

Recently, a friend of mine was telling me of how she was putting together her company and I was so excited because I know how she started. She’s into all sorts of craft work but she started with DIY book wrapping. Then she would wrap for fun till people started placing orders to wrap their worn books or even new ones. She recently got a job, but it didn’t stop her. She is so passionate about it and today, she not only wraps books, she makes colorful books and journals from scratch.
I see potential CEOs all over the place trying to throw away their work for a job, trying to replace joy and satisfaction with the gratification of quick and ‘easy’ money or premature status change, in a bid to fit into the jacket of societal conventionality.
Well my point is, whether you currently work for someone or not, ensure that you are doing your work-following your passion because in the end, that’s what saves the day. A job can come to an end anytime but your work never ends. So even when your job is taken from you, your work remains, even when you retire, your work remains, even when you have to change locations and find a new job, your work goes on. Everyone has a work. Find your work, pursue your passion intensely and soon no one would need to ask you what you are doing because it would be obvious! 

To all the young and old graduates; don’t let anyone make you feel stupid for choosing what you have chosen, don’t let them make you feel idle or laid back because they can’t see or quantify what you do. But one thing you must make sure of is that you are working hard at something, preferably, your passion.  For me, that nails it and money will definitely follow.
So the next time you are asked “ what are you doing now?” tell them “Ask Goolge”!
 LOL. Just kidding o,  don’t go an join bad gang. 

Lots of love from
Fidelia Ben-Udi 

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