Friday, 22 January 2016

And BOOM! It’s here!
That odd moment when you realize how old you are!
Some time ago, while I sat and pondered over life, some lines popped into my head… 

What happened to life
Somebody tell me
What happened to life
All of a sudden it’s changing
All the fairy tales are gone
All the care free stuff is gone 
It is time to face reality

As at the time I wrote this song, I was still dazed at the difference between childhood and adulthood…it wasn’t a sudden transition, but the realization sort of was, for me. 
When I was a child, I looked at most adults with envy, admiration and longing mixed, wanting to be in charge and be where they were, and do what they did because it looked cool to be in charge and do whatever I wanted. So I would say things like “when I grow up, I will buy a bucket of ice cream and take it all by myself”. Little did I know that I had to worry first about getting the money, budgeting, and then watch out for myself so I didn’t come down with a running stomach or worse – I had to be responsible. So I eagerly waited for the day I would be an adult and BOOM! It’s here already, all of a sudden, from childhood to teenage hood, and its adulthood already!
Now I get to worry about keeping a job, safety, diet, makeover, a man… Gosh! The list is endless and at this point, I remember the saying, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it”. Now I’m not sure I believe in wishes anymore but sometimes I wish I was a child again to depend on mum and dad for everything; that’s what I call ‘the childhood fever’.

 So now I’m all grown and I just have to get off my butt and do certain things or they will remain undone. No more unnecessary pouting and whining or faking of ill health! *Laugh out loud*.   Didn’t you do that? Well I did cover myself up and lie in bed till it was time for school in pretense of ill health just because I was lazy about going to school that day. Now, I have to wake people up for morning devotion, cook breakfast, get ready for work … like it or not. Now i know why Peter Pan didn't want tongrow up. I realised somewhere along the line, that the only reason I was so much in a hurry to grow up was because I wanted the freedom of adulthood without the responsibilities attached. Does it happen that way?

Well I believe growing up is a process, and don’t get me wrong, it is fabulous! Not boring at all. Being an adult is an awesome experience too, but thoroughly laden with the burden of responsibility. Only those who build strong muscles in anticipation and preparation for it are able to meet up with the demands of adulthood and truly experience the ‘freedom’ of it. How ready are you for the next phase of life? Make it a point of duty to build your muscles because Mr. Macho isn’t a conferred title but an earned one.

Kindly share some specific demands of adulthood that you have experienced and how you are handling it. Be of help to someone who needs it. Thanks.   

Monday, 18 January 2016

Is it Ignorance or Rebellion 2

There is the proper way to go about everything that puts things in place even without you knowing it.

So here's a true story...once upon a time, there was this student nurse burning her night candle just to do well in her exams. By the next morning, she gets set and is in such a hurry to get to the hall. It happens that the road to the hall is a tiny path that can barely take two people at a time and there’s an elderly man coming in the opposite direction. She rushes past him, brushing him slightly in her haste so he stops to look at her and she stops too for a few seconds to glance back, hisses absent mindedly and continues on her journey to the hall. It’s finally time for the exam and she’s astounded to see that the very same man she passed on the way is her supervisor and guess what? He is supposed to score her on ethics aside from her knowledge of the subject. Now if you were to be the supervisor, I guess you would know what to score her. That is the thing about cultivating attitude (good or bad); it sticks, and you never know when it would become a life saver or life sucker. 

Young folks need to know that greeting, as well as other good habits, isn’t just a sign of respect? It is also a sign of sensibleness and civility. It is not a sign of adulthood, to not greet people, let alone elders; rather it’s a sign of ASD (Acute Sense Deficiency) and the inability to master civilization. People naturally fall in love with individuals who have the habit of showing respect to others. I’ve seen bad boys gain favor just for that singular behavior (greeting). Learn! Civilization is meant for you, you are not meant for it. You must take hold of it and master it, mold it to suit all that is noble and correct. Respect they say is reciprocal; in order words, do unto others what you would have them do to you. I seriously doubt there’s one person who hates to be respected. So really, what does it take? Start by saying a warm hello in the most appropriate way as it applies to the person in question.

Example: Greeting your boss- a “Good morning Sir” would do just fine. As tiny as the ‘Sir’ it sure plays a role in how he perceives you. Same goes for your tone and the look on your face.

Well ordinarily, I wouldn’t talk about this, in fact, I would rather not border because I used to belong to the class of people who believe that every man has his life to live, so why worry about them so much? I ain’t got that time. But I have realized that being quiet all the while, hasn’t helped much, rather things are worsening. Nobody corrects anybody these days, especially the young ones and that’s one major reason why we have so much senselessness among youths and teenagers. 

You think your kids and wards are good, then think about the society they will have to live in and extend a loving hand of correction to the kid on the streets.

Now you know what to do so ignorance is ruled out. Do what is right, whether you feel like it or not.

Deut. 6:18

Friday, 8 January 2016


It started gradually, from little misbehaviors, to obvious deviation and now, there seems to be a huge turn or do I say a new definition of various things; values, morals, norms, truth… Now, in my late twenties I feel like I’m already too old to understand this generation because the things I used to know as wrong, all of a sudden now just feel like I’m stupid to think them wrong. 

Now, it’s either a result of the ignorance of a young unlearned heart or the rebellion of it that keeps this ASD (Acute Sense Deficiency) popular.  

The other day, I was driving within town and someone was following really closely and wouldn’t stop honking recklessly, so I slowed down and parked, only to find out it was a young man I used to know back in the days, as a little boy, in fact, a baby, many years younger than I, with his friends in the car and the next thing, he says something like ‘babe what’s up’? He didn’t even border to alight to say a proper hello.

I was dumb founded, all I could manage was a plastic smile and in my mind, “I don’t blame you, after-all, I’m driving and you are driving…if I land you slap now...” When I finally got home, I couldn’t stop thinking about that episode. Whatever happened to a polite and respectful ‘good evening’ after honking me to a halt?
 Just a minute; I don’t get it when a wee born walks up to me and says, ‘What’s up’? The sky of course! Since when did that become a manner of greeting? Or, ‘how far’? Not so far from dropping a knock on that tiny head of yours, that might probably jolt your senses to order. Gosh! Is that what the jet age has turned us into? Come on! Some informal methods of greetings are only meant for people of your age group and pairs, not your elders! Elders should not just be greeted, but greeted appropriately.

I must admit, there was that sense of a bruised ego attached to what I felt, which in itself is wrong, and trust me, I had nothing against the young man driving or his person for that matter, but it just stirred up an imperfect aspect of my mind as at then, a testimony to the fact that unnecessary self inflicted beef can result from such a ‘minor’ indiscretion. Well I’m glad what I felt is now replaced by genuine concern for this young man and his like, but when I see the likes of them, I still need to let out some steam so I don’t give someone the length of my tongue in anger but in love.

Proverbs 27:14

To be continued...


To whom it may concern directly, I thought I'd send you flowers so you know how much I love you regardless! No beefs, i promise.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Was the jet too fast, they couldn't keep up?

 There is an alarmingly increasing rate of ASD (Acute Sense Deficiency) among youths and teenagers of this age, though more intelligent and exposed than earlier generations, there seems to be the lack of basic sensibleness to a grievous degree.

Well just in case you doubt me, I’ll give you some examples:
What do say a teenager suffers from when he bumps into an elderly person without seeing the need to greet or even say sorry? Or one who is in a relationship at age 17 without a vision for life? Or a youth who calls his father stupid and his mother poor?  What do you call he who has a wedding band on his finger, yet takes a whore to bed? Or one with absolutely no fear of God in his heart? Now these cases are numerous and so rampant today, you would wonder if it’s the new right way to behave and live.

We all believe it’s the jet age, the age of technologies our forefathers barely imagined, but does that account for the high rate of ASD?And it leaves me wondering 'maybe the speed of the jet was too much that our senses couldn’t keep up' Or did the technological age, transfer all our reasoning ability to the computer? 
Its baffling!

Well I know I’m going to be stepping on a lot of toes this season, but be rest assured that the purpose isn’t to break them, but to make them stronger. 
I have reason to think that something is seriously wrong somewhere... but what is wrong and where?
What went wrong?
I believe this is a challenge worth attempting, and we should all attempt to handle, because we must save the future no matter what! Tell you why, because even the creator believes in posterity! Not just any posterity, but Righteous Posterity.