Friday, 1 January 2016

Was the jet too fast, they couldn't keep up?

 There is an alarmingly increasing rate of ASD (Acute Sense Deficiency) among youths and teenagers of this age, though more intelligent and exposed than earlier generations, there seems to be the lack of basic sensibleness to a grievous degree.

Well just in case you doubt me, I’ll give you some examples:
What do say a teenager suffers from when he bumps into an elderly person without seeing the need to greet or even say sorry? Or one who is in a relationship at age 17 without a vision for life? Or a youth who calls his father stupid and his mother poor?  What do you call he who has a wedding band on his finger, yet takes a whore to bed? Or one with absolutely no fear of God in his heart? Now these cases are numerous and so rampant today, you would wonder if it’s the new right way to behave and live.

We all believe it’s the jet age, the age of technologies our forefathers barely imagined, but does that account for the high rate of ASD?And it leaves me wondering 'maybe the speed of the jet was too much that our senses couldn’t keep up' Or did the technological age, transfer all our reasoning ability to the computer? 
Its baffling!

Well I know I’m going to be stepping on a lot of toes this season, but be rest assured that the purpose isn’t to break them, but to make them stronger. 
I have reason to think that something is seriously wrong somewhere... but what is wrong and where?
What went wrong?
I believe this is a challenge worth attempting, and we should all attempt to handle, because we must save the future no matter what! Tell you why, because even the creator believes in posterity! Not just any posterity, but Righteous Posterity.


  1. Dear the truth is that this generation no longer have the fear of God. If we can go back to God then everything will be solved. Great piece by the way.

    1. ... It's no surprise to see weeds everywhere! Godly seeds are few.

  2. Thanks Ebos and Emmanuel!
    I appreciate your comments.
    But sometimes I wonder, is the absence of God in our lifes the root cause of this ASD or the irreponsibilty of parents or both?

  3. Thanks Ebos and Emmanuel!
    I appreciate your comments.
    But sometimes I wonder, is the absence of God in our lifes the root cause of this ASD or the irreponsibilty of parents or both?
