Sunday, 24 April 2016

Lonely Road? 2

Part 2

Hello friends, I trust you have been doing great since the last time. Well, if you haven’t, I’m sure you will after reading this, when you realize that you don’t have to walk that road alone. Like I promised in the previous post, this is a continuation of ‘Lonely Road’. 

A friend of mine (Matthew Adedoyin) made a striking statement in his write up just last week saying, “…though you can succeed without a mentor, good mentorship accelerates your success”.  I couldn’t agree more because a huge chunk of life is all about associations and those associations determine a great deal of the outcome of our lives. 
Will Rogers said, “A man only learns two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people”. The question is what is your association like? How healthy is it? 
Ordinarily, no one really walks a lonely road but the mind does play certain tricks on us that we willingly accept. So I concluded that the only way one can walk a lonely road through life is;

1. If they aren’t sincere
2. If they are sincere with the wrong people

Not being sincere in this context could mean denying ones need for others, isolating oneself from others for whatever reasons, etc.
Being sincere with the wrong people on the other hand could mean ‘I admit I need company but I get mixed up in the wrong crowd’. 
Now, why would a certain crowd be considered wrong for you? Because they do not point you in the direction you should be going or the one you really want to go in.

As it stands now, the world is filled with so many fake and dishonest people so getting involved with the right crowd is becoming increasingly difficult but thankfully, not impossible. 
Truth be told, it is a huge leap of trust when you decide to let someone into your life. However it is a mandatory leap for success in life. The question is, how do we make the calculations right so we don’t leap amiss? How can we tell that it’s time to take this leap and in what direction?

First, about making the calculations: Discovering who you are is vital. Hmm…did I hear you say that’s the hard part? Well I can relate with that line of thought, but there’s always a start point. For me, I figured out the things I was attracted to and interested in, how I perceived the world around me, the people that looked like what I may want to be, the people that were accessible, etc . So I tried to get close to them, make enquiries about the things I was attracted to … mind you, some of these things I did where not even for the proper reasons but they helped me for a start. 
Having an idea of you, gives you a pretty good idea of the people you should associate with. What is your picture of yourself and better still the self you foresee?

Note however that the picture of you may change over time but that is fine. Like they say, change is the only constant thing. So as your picture changes or evolves, be conscious about tactfully upgrading your association.

Proverbs 13:20

To be continued…  

By Fidelia Ben-Udi

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...I realized that I do not totally agree with Will Rogers. I believe there are plenty other ways people learn aside reading and association with smarter people. But I must say those are two major ways that have been beneficial to me and could be to you too. Just thought I'd chip that in.
