Motivational and Inspirational Writing Built for Transformation In Every Area of Teen and Adult Life.
Saturday, 18 February 2017
Go come
So its another Sunday tomorrow and we'll most likely go to church again and sit down to hear the preacher and swallow everything hook, line and sinker without even thinking and i wonder if we dropped our brains with the ushers at the door.
No wonder Carl Max said "Religion is the opium of the people". Hey, listen, if religion is what you are going to do in Church tomorrow, then just stay home and sleep. You know why? Because religion is useless, powerless and godless... Anyway lets not go there. But understand that True fellowship, service has nothing to do with religion.
We need power, and religion won't give us that. True fellowship/worship will.
Well i yet have a lot to say, but I'll conclude by saying: if you must go to Church tomorrow, go with your brains close to your heart. That was what made the Berean Christians different; they went to Church with their brains.
This also goes out to all you who went to worship on Friday and today and any other day you've chosen; listen to your Spiritual head and think through his sermon, and match it up with Scriptures. Ask why? That way, you'd be sure not stupid.
Prepare for a huge 'Paradigm Shift'!
Lots of love from Fidel
Friday, 10 February 2017
Tochi met Matthew in a WhatsApp group. Tochi whose wedding was just 6 months away, lived in Lagos while Matthew lived in Abuja. However, their friendship gained strength in such a short while that you would think they had met or known each other all their lives.
The manner in which they expressed their thoughts during discussions in the group made the other members refer to them as 'boo' and 'bae', albeit jokingly. Not long after, they adopted the nomenclature and addressed each other with them happily.
Their friendship grew beyond the group and they began to have private conversations. Though Tochi had introduced Matthew to her fiancé virtually, the connection between these imaginary lovebirds was clear as tears even to new entrants into the group.
One day, there was a sexual conversation in the group - a no-holds-barred one. During the discussion, Matthew kept mentioning Tochi and was painting the picture of what their sex experience was going to be when he officially marries her and Tochi was responding in the affirmative that she couldn't wait to start "shagging" Matthew. Everyone in the group counted this as one of the many jokes they came up with whenever the issue of 'boo' and 'bae' was discussed. Unknown to other members of the group, Tochi and Matthew had taken the discussion behind.
One Friday at work, Tochi's boss informed her that she would be travelling to Abuja the next Monday morning for a one week official duty. Wanting to surprise Matthew, she didn't tell him anything until she landed in Abuja.
It was 2:35 p.m when Tochi put a call through to Matthew. "Hello boo," she said, "your bae is calling you from Protea Hotel, Abuja."
Matthew didn't believe until he logged onto Facebook and saw a picture of Tochi at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja. He called her to let her know he would be coming immediately he closed from work.
At 5:33 in the evening, Matthew was already at Protea Hotel and made his way to the room number Tochi had given him. As he entered the room, they exchanged a very long hug and Matthew whispered into her ears, "Is this what a honeymoon looks like?"
There was silence in the room; the connection between them gave off sparks. They couldn't let each other go and their left hands remained interlocked. Matthew began to rub her back from her waist gradually.
As he was reaching for her bra, Tochi said, "If you want to kiss me so badly, why don't you just do so now because it is written all over your body that you want it?" They kissed slowly, then profusely with Matthew's hand still on her bra. He undressed her; she did, too and they had their first sex.
They had sex throughout Tochi's stay in Abuja though they kept saying, "We shouldn't be doing this. We are not even in a relationship; we are not even married." Even Tochi's concern about her fiancé's feeling if he heard of it didn't stop them.
See dear, first, sex is not an event. It is a process. Events happen; sex does not just happen unless you are a victim of rape.
In my years of working as a Sex Recovery Therapist and Sexuality Educator, I have discovered something powerful, especially amongst the people I have been privileged to counsel, coach or run recovery therapy on. I discovered a new sex organ. It wasn't new actually but its discovery made it look new. I discovered that the most expensive underwear in the world is the skull and this skull houses the most potent sexual organ in the universe: the mind.
The most important and greatest sex organ is not found below your waist. Your most important sex organ is your mind. Things happen twice - first mentally and then physically. The real sex happens before the real action. Your mind writes the script and your body acts the scene.
Sex does not start in the bedroom. It starts from the mind and the mind plays it in different forms. It could be through flirting, sexting, chatting, gisting and it could be through the first visit. With this discovery, I know that as long as a person can control his or her mind, he or she can control his or her sexual desires.
With this discovery, helping people break away from any form of addiction comes easy for I know that if I can change their mind, I can as well change their lives.
It is the environment where your mind is locked that determines the space of its operations. I have heard many people say they were tempted probably by the opposite sex or even the devil. See, the dominant content of your mind determines the next temptation of the devil.
You're the inspiration behind any temptation.
Whatever you crave or desire for so badly determines the direction of your temptation. No one can make you do what you do not want to do - not your boyfriend; not your girlfriend; not even God. That is why you have a mind and will and you have to take responsibility for your action and inaction.
Whatever you sow in your mind, you reap in your body.
The sexiest part of your body is not your hip, six packs, boobs, butts or even your genitals. The sexiest part of your body is your mind.
Invest in your mind daily. Renew it daily because everything in life starts from there.
June, 2016
Matthew 'Femi-Adedoyin
Lagos, Nigeria
This is Fidel wishing you a Happy Valentine's day in advance. Stay purified!
Friday, 27 January 2017
le changement de croyance
Good Rebellion (Part 4)
If they can’t help us, we can help them
Yes, we can help our leaders.
We can help those who are meant to be helping us
We don’t mind taking responsibility
After all, it’s our community, a society that breeds us
We will forget about being leaders of tomorrow in the way we were taught
And focus on being leaders right now in the way that’s best
We will mark our challenges and follow our passions to create solutions
For each one has a passion, a work, an idea, designed to provide solace for our land
We will cease to look outward and begin to look inward
We will cease to wait on those who ride jeeps with green and red plate numbers
And begin to wait on the one who rides on the clouds
Our hands have been made strong by the hand of the Almighty
Our vision is clear and focused
We know what we want and where we are headed
We will wait no longer for change but will go forth for it
But don’t question our vision
Don’t question our courage
Don’t even question our method
Well, if you do, we've got answers ...
Friday, 13 January 2017
Work not Job
The good rebellion
Part 3
Work not Job
“So what are doing now?”
Have you ever been at the point where you dread to meet with friends and siblings to your parents just because of how much you dread that question? Ha! Well I have and it was one annoying point in my life. Agreed that it may be some form of societal responsibility check, it really doesn’t feel that way. It feels more like an assessment of your current status for future friend and family gossips.
So I tried to find out; why is this question usually dreadful? And I found out that it is basically because we don’t have a conventional answer for them like; oh, I now work in a bank or with the government or in an oil company etc. But what if you are busy developing a business idea, carving a career path or still pondering? That instantly makes you begin to feel jittery and less of yourself right?
Well I may not be able to tell you how to handle this, but I’m sure you can start by working with what I’m about to tell you…
Part 3
Work not Job
“So what are doing now?”
Have you ever been at the point where you dread to meet with friends and siblings to your parents just because of how much you dread that question? Ha! Well I have and it was one annoying point in my life. Agreed that it may be some form of societal responsibility check, it really doesn’t feel that way. It feels more like an assessment of your current status for future friend and family gossips.
So I tried to find out; why is this question usually dreadful? And I found out that it is basically because we don’t have a conventional answer for them like; oh, I now work in a bank or with the government or in an oil company etc. But what if you are busy developing a business idea, carving a career path or still pondering? That instantly makes you begin to feel jittery and less of yourself right?
Well I may not be able to tell you how to handle this, but I’m sure you can start by working with what I’m about to tell you…
Friday, 30 December 2016
A huge paradigm shift
Compliments of the season guys.
It's the last few days of the year and now's the time when people begin to craft out new resolutions for themselves that they hope to engage in the new year.
Well personally, I have nothing against new year resolutions long as they are born out of deep convictions and not just routines.
Anyways i have a suggestion to make as to what your new year resolution should include. Thats is; to break through limitations and open up to great paradigm shifts. One of these shifts would be the shift of our minds from the place of slavery to suite our independent status.
We are a black nation who were once slaves, but not any more. Unfortunately, too many of us assumed this status of freedom only in our bodies, not in our minds;
It's the last few days of the year and now's the time when people begin to craft out new resolutions for themselves that they hope to engage in the new year.
Well personally, I have nothing against new year resolutions long as they are born out of deep convictions and not just routines.
Anyways i have a suggestion to make as to what your new year resolution should include. Thats is; to break through limitations and open up to great paradigm shifts. One of these shifts would be the shift of our minds from the place of slavery to suite our independent status.
We are a black nation who were once slaves, but not any more. Unfortunately, too many of us assumed this status of freedom only in our bodies, not in our minds;
Thursday, 24 November 2016
The Good Rebellion part 2
Mindless Bureaucracy must go!
File A signed by Boss 1
Sent to boss 2
Boss 3 corrects and gives to secretary
Secretary effects correction and returns to boss 2
Boss two sends to boss 1
And that may just be the beginning!
Organized and built to function well
Seamless and a brilliant idea
Except of course for the corruption that now hides underneath its seams
A huge time waster it has become
Feet dragging causing all to move at snail speed
What is this bundle of organized wreck?
That hinders progress
And makes one sweat beneath an air conditioner
How come so much work is put in with minimum output
How did we get stuck in this time killing, energy sapping and development crippling system?
Get me right,
It was meant to be good and it was good
Made the system work effectively
But it isn’t anymore
At least not in its original state
Why can’t we just upgrade already?
It’s the technological age
Why crawl when we can fly
Why adhere religiously to rules and regulations that have outlived their essence?
Why do the right thing at snail speed allowing room for it to be contaminated
At this rate, my grand kids may grow grey expecting progress
Change begins with me, I knoooow!
But remember that for change to be effective, leaders both in the public and private sectors must engineer it at their various levels
Levels that I may not be able to affect yet
It’s a combined efforts you know
So if I’m asked, i'd say, let’s do away with that which no longer works
And make effective that which produces quality results
Transform the hard dusty files into soft intangible one
To hell with these boring unproductive procedures that leave one retardarded
Why do the same thing over and over again expecting different results each time
Agreed this is just a part of our challenges
But believe me, it’s a huge part.
Give one senseless man too much power and he holds the whole system to ransom
It cannot be as it was in the beginning any more
If what worked in the beginning doesn’t work anymore,
We must be brave enough to move on
For we can’t put new wine in old wine skins
A new age demands new methodologies
Written by Fidelia Ben-Udi
Thursday, 10 November 2016
The Good Rebellion
Part 1
The quest
Deep deep deep, I like
Shallow shallow, I dislike
Open minded people, on point
Rigid paradigms, very faulty
I have grown weary of the circle
A circumference of meaningless repetitions
As it was in the beginning so shall it ever be
Says who? Why?
Haven’t you heard?
Nothing means anything except the meaning you attach to it
But until your mind receives revelation the real definition of meaning doesn’t exist
Doesn’t anyone bother to ask why?
Isn’t that the reason we have brains?
But no, we don’t ask
We would rather not
So we keep up the monotonous circle
With same results in view
Same results that have kept us stunted
Same results that have deprived us of so much
Yet we stick to the status quo
For fear of being tagged ‘rebel’
For fear of making mistakes
When already we live in a pool of them
Meaning cannot be inherited
We must find meaning for ourselves
But until our minds receive revelation, the real definition of meaning doesn’t exist
The day we summon up the courage to challenge this pattern
Is the day we start to live
It’s the day we start to learn
It’s the day we start to understand and to grow deep
Grow firm because then, we would have real answers
Not carved solely from someone else’ experience
But also from our own encounters and personal revelations
The ones we experience and grasp
For what is revealed to us remains ours
Anthony Robins said
"Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give to it"
But until your mind receives revelation the real definition of meaning doesn’t exist
We must attach meaning
So we can go passed the shallow
And dig deep for ourselves
Test all that we have received
Seperate that which is false from that which is true
Discard what’s false and stand firmer in the truth
Then with open eyes and clear mind
Bring meaning to this circumference of life
It shouldn’t be just a circumference after all.
Rather, one full of the meaning we discovered ourselves
The meaning you discover is that you are willing to stand by
That you are willing to stand by must be your own revelation
For Nothing means anything thing except you attach to it a meaning by revelation
Grab the meaning out of life!
By Fidelia Ben-Udi
The quest
Shallow shallow, I dislike
Open minded people, on point
Rigid paradigms, very faulty
I have grown weary of the circle
A circumference of meaningless repetitions
As it was in the beginning so shall it ever be
Says who? Why?
Haven’t you heard?
Nothing means anything except the meaning you attach to it
But until your mind receives revelation the real definition of meaning doesn’t exist
Doesn’t anyone bother to ask why?
Isn’t that the reason we have brains?
But no, we don’t ask
We would rather not
So we keep up the monotonous circle
With same results in view
Same results that have kept us stunted
Same results that have deprived us of so much
Yet we stick to the status quo
For fear of being tagged ‘rebel’
For fear of making mistakes
When already we live in a pool of them
Meaning cannot be inherited
We must find meaning for ourselves
But until our minds receive revelation, the real definition of meaning doesn’t exist
The day we summon up the courage to challenge this pattern
Is the day we start to live
It’s the day we start to learn
It’s the day we start to understand and to grow deep
Grow firm because then, we would have real answers
Not carved solely from someone else’ experience
But also from our own encounters and personal revelations
The ones we experience and grasp
For what is revealed to us remains ours
Anthony Robins said
"Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give to it"
But until your mind receives revelation the real definition of meaning doesn’t exist
We must attach meaning
So we can go passed the shallow
And dig deep for ourselves

Seperate that which is false from that which is true
Discard what’s false and stand firmer in the truth
Then with open eyes and clear mind
Bring meaning to this circumference of life
It shouldn’t be just a circumference after all.
Rather, one full of the meaning we discovered ourselves
The meaning you discover is that you are willing to stand by
That you are willing to stand by must be your own revelation
For Nothing means anything thing except you attach to it a meaning by revelation
Grab the meaning out of life!
By Fidelia Ben-Udi
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