I definitely believe cupid is a myth and nothing more but for those who believe otherwise, tell me; does cupid usually take back his arrow after valentine's day? Does this archer retrieve his arrows at will after they’ve been shot at humans? Are there substandard arrows? I’m wondering because I always thought the arrow was to stay in the heart for ever just like in the case of Romeo and Juliet to foster unending love.
However, that doesn’t seem to be the case as each day brings with it a whooping number of broken relationships (marriage, courtship, friendship, family) and I can’t help but wonder why? Maybe the power in cupid’s arrow is fading or really doesn’t exist nor does it have anything to do with love because I can’t understand why a man would lead a woman to the point of wedding vows and even beyond, only to turn his back on her or worst still, throw her out; Why a girl would claim to love a boy just up until the point where his money is gone; Why two people who are in love suddenly fall out of love; Not only do they fall out of love, some fall into deep hatred and it is so irreconcilable. Why?
Is it that people really do fall out of love or that they really don’t know what love is?
I have sampled a lot of answers and I have heard some say; love is a feeling of strong likeness towards someone, others say it is when you think about someone all the time and so on.
So let’s assume it’s a feeling; feelings are tied to emotions and emotions are unstable. That makes it possible to fall out of love except you have a way of stabilizing and rationalizing your emotions. On the other hand, let’s assume it’s when you think about someone all the time; how about when you hate them, or when they owe you some huge amount of money? You would think about them all the time. So I guess it’s more about the type of thoughts, than just the act of thinking.
Either way, there is the place for feelings and thoughts in the issue of love. So it’s possible that people aren’t in control of their feelings nor are they in control of their thoughts. And if they are not, it follows then, that they are emotionally unstable. Based on that, love may not have any proper or definite meaning to them as it would be subject to the present state of emotions and thoughts at a given time. But maybe that’s why there’s so much wrong going on in places where love is mentioned, maybe people haven’t learned that love isn’t contextual as it is with other English words. It is the same in one time zone as it is in another, the same in one language as in another, the same in one sentence as it is in another.
If that is the case, why don’t we get it once and for all? There should be at least something tangible to go by and improve on. Something deeper, different from the fallacies we’ve known and lived by. If we need a change, if we need success in the places where we have failed love or have been failed by ‘love’ in the past, then we must find out what this love means.
This topic would be continued, but before then, a word for the teenagers; there is time for everything. Misplaced priorities almost always lead to very costly mistakes...do not awaken love until it so desires. Let valentine pass as sanely as any other day of the year.
Songs of Solomon 2:7. Fidelia Ben-Udi
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